Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hang till Death!

"Rapist's should be publicly executed. Their bodies should be chared, mutilated. Their bodies should be grinded and each part should be destoryed and people at large must be made aware of the consequences of Rape. "

A usual reaction to a crime like Rape. To me the crime sends shivers down my spine. But would love to know what on earth could blind one's judgement and his/her response to the crime as an adequate measure to reform society and influence crime and its existence.

Yeah right!!! For a person who is heavily intoxicated, the image of a person's heart hanging from the branches of tree and his chared body is something that would strike whilst forceful sexual intercourse. It baffles me why individuals like you and me react and find that justice would be served through such barbaric means.

Am I undermining the crime and its impact. No. Period. But for christ's sake dont equate rape as a crime, no matter what the events, commensurate to capital punishment.

Oh yes! Rape is brutal, far more brutal than murder where an Individual is forced to live with the scars till eternity. It's a crime where mind you the death of the victim would do no justice in assuaging the pain that an unfortunate person has gone through.

Oh c'mon, u tellin me that the victim would feel much better if the perpetrators will be hung. Are you sure that the scars are not so deep and the pain and anguish that a victim undergoes would be assuaged by the hanging of a person?? What Crap!

Irrespective of rape, capital punishment needs to be awarded to crimes in terms of how heinous,odious, attrocious, abhorrent,flagrant a crime is. That means look into the nature of crime and please do not classify every act of rape as a crime commensurate to Capital punishment and comments like " His body should be grinded into pieces and be displayed to he public" is compeletly unwarranted.

Take this instance. A couple, who through mutual concent have a period of sexual intercourse. One fine day, a woman objects, but unfortunately she is forced into sexual intercourse. Should the person, the man be executed? Shouldn't one look into the gravity of the offense. Oh yes the person needs to be punished. But wouldn't we distingusih it from a person who would otherwise beat, intoxicate a woman and force her into sexual intercourse. Should be blindly award capital punishment to a forced sexual intercourse, irrespective of the nature of crime and therefore classify every act of rape as henious as intoxicating a woman and beating her up?

The main and only reason why capital punishment doesnt work is cause one's ability or his belief that he would get away from the law. Period. The quantity of punishment has nothing to do with restricting crime. It's the effectiveness and efficiency through convictions are what which eventually act as a deterent and not the punishment.

Politician's son being involved, Children of powerful businessmen, if are at any point involved in such heinous crime's like rape, its not capital punishment that would act as a deterent. Their arrogance is bred on the fact that they would escape conviction. Period. U may have capital punishment, public mutilation, its not gonna impact the rich and powerful when it comes to restricting crime cause eventually its doesnt matter when one subverts the system. Which is the main issue at stake.

So in a nutshell reserve Capital punishment to the rarest of rare crime and the nature of crime. And not just cause it's rape. If conviction remains poor no capital punishment would serve its purpose.

Cause in the end the objective of any Judiciary is not only to deliver justice to the victims but for it to deter crime. That's why we govern states. That's why we employ our faith in the Judiciary. There's no point punishing an individual if it doesn't serve the purpose of detering a crime.


Sunil Seegi said...

The victim's pain is not assuaged by hanging the perpetrator...
Agreed...but is that an excuse for not awarding the max punishment...
U think such an individual can be reformed...??

why do u consider effectiveness of conviction alone to be the deterrent......Strong unbiased conviction coupled with max. punishment would be the most effective deterrent....

Mumbai Dogs said...

Hey Sunil, I agree to the 2nd para u've posted, which is what I've opined. My argument is towards a blind belief and conviction that every rape should be awarded with capital punishment.

Punishing the perpetrators amounts to just healing the wound and not preventing it.

There is no point in slaughtering(I've seen these reactions i.e. his head to be hung and displayed publicly,) or for that executing an individual if I know I can still beat the law. By executing a poor individual from the slums wouldn't set an ex. for it to reform society but the fact the the rich and powerful has fewer means to bend the law reinstates my belief in the law and also the fear of it.

I Don't believe these individuals can be reformed. But I believe the objective judicary is not to avenge on the perpetrators but to serve as a deterent. To not have another person at the death row.

Therefore every rape needs to be seen carefully b4 we pass a blind judgement in our coniviction of death penalty. No point in just deciding about what punishment is suitable if there isn't a fear of law, respect for the judicial process and faith in governance.

Deepak said...

Nice article! I feel that courts should be careful while giving capital punishment, but we cannot do away with it.
Please read 'Chamber' by John Grisham, even the most hardline supporter of capital punishment will be moved to tears by the book. My views on capital punishment have been diluted after reading this book